Sofitel Macau at Ponte 16 - Luxury hotel - Blanc Romance

Blanc Romance

Blanc Romance
Brides fall in love all over again when they enter this ultra-feminine setting. If it’s a white wedding, it must be Blanc Romance for the honeymoon where the newly-weds can enjoy all the magical extra touches that say prestige, tranquillity and exclusivity. Enjoy the best from East and West while sipping fine French Champagne and relaxing in the magnificent Jacuzzi. Watch Macau’s ever-changing riverfront while luxuriating in water filled with authentic French Hermès bubbles.

Blanc Romance別墅式豪宅採用女性風格設計,令新娘又一次踏入愛河。如果您剛剛舉辦完一場白色婚禮,Blanc Romance將為蜜月中的新婚夫婦帶來美輪美奐的超凡浪漫格調,讓您盡情沉醉於這靜謐與親密的環境中。享受中西合璧的精髓,品味尚好的法國香檳,在大型按摩浴缸中感受片刻的完全放鬆,一邊享受泡泡浴,感受純正的法國Hermès 香氛環擁,一邊欣賞澳門水岸邊變化無窮的景致。

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  • blanc-romance
  • blanc-romance
  • blanc-romance
Sofitel Macau at Ponte 16
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